
339 products

    $000 $6500
    339 products
      $000 $6500
      Frosty Tiny Town | Heart in Hand
      Heart in Hand
      santa holding red horse toy and red heart with backstitched tree outlines and text reading noel
      2024 Schooler Santa | Prairie Schooler
      Prairie Schooler
      2025 Schooler Santa | Prairie Schooler - Nashville 2025
      Prairie Schooler
      The Reindeer, A Year in the Woods #12 | Cottage Garden Samplings
      Cottage Garden Samplings
      quaker motif of orange and black with a red cardinal featured displayed within a winter wreath
      Quirky Quaker Cardinal | Darling & Whimsy Designs
      Darling and Whimsy Designs
      stocking ornament featuring partridge with additional ornaments in background
      stockings for days of christmas 2, 11, and 12
      12 Days of Christmas Stockings | Annie Beez Folk Art
      Annie Beez Folk Art
      nativity scene reading and the friendly beasts around him stood with a pindrum showing a camel and gift toppewith decorative pins spelling joy
      The Friendly Beasts | TopKnot Stitcher Shop - Printed Pattern
      TopKnot Stitcher Shop
      from $12.00
      Quirky Quaker Snow Folk | Darling & Whimsy Designs
      Darling and Whimsy Designs
      five skeins of colour and cotton thread for stitching hands on design shiny objects and belle of the ball. colors include crumbc cake, Peace on Earth, Snickerdoodle, Winterberry, Yuletide
      Thread Pack - Shiny Objects & Belle of the Ball by Hands on Design | Colour & Cotton Threads
      Colour and Cotton
      Sold Out
      Peace on Earth | Lila's Studio
      Lila's Studio
      Cross Stitch Pattern wiht santa's house a red house with fun patterns covered inred and white snowflakes outside is a sleigh, lamppost, and two reindeer
      red magical winter house with sleigh reindeer and snowflakes
      Santa's House - Fabulous House Series #1 | Cottage Garden Samplings
      Cottage Garden Samplings
      Quaker Christmas Stocking and Sampler | Kathy Barrick
      Kathy Barrick
      a trio of christmas ornaments featurign classic christmas motifs like ornaments, gingerbread, bells, and sweets. each ornament features a different short phrase like joy to the world, happy holidays, peace on earth
      Shiny Objects | Hands on Design
      Hands on Design
      First Day of Christmas Sampler & Tree | Hello From Liz Mathews
      Hello from Liz Mathews
      hello santa book cover showing the green coat santa. text reads hello santa and has teresa kogut's creative whims logo. underneath the framed santa the text reads 7 cross stitch charts by teresa kogut.
      top hat for jack is a small cross stitch pattern propped on a shelf full of christmas decorations. the design shows santa in red coat putting a top hat on a snowman who is sitting on the back of a reindeer. christmas trees and large round stars surroudn them with a banner overhead spelling out d e c 2 5. text at the bottom over a snowy ground reads Kris Kringle
      Hello Santa (Book with 7 designs!) | Teresa Kogut
      Teresa Kogut
      Wee Santa 2023 | Heart in Hand
      Heart in Hand
      Tenth Day of Christmas Sampler and Tree | Hello from Liz Mathews
      Hello from Liz Mathews
      Seasonal Etchings + The Seasons Drum | Heart in Hand
      Heart in Hand
      Christmas Parade | Cottage Garden Samplings
      Cottage Garden Samplings
      satna with green scarf and a lantern with snowflakes and text reading snowy night
      2023 Schooler Santa | Prairie Schooler
      Prairie Schooler
      Magical Snowflakes | Counting Puddles
      Counting Puddles
      Wee Santa 2024 | Heart in Hand
      Heart in Hand
      Fifth Day of Christmas Sampler and Tree | Hello from Liz Mathews
      Hello from Liz Mathews
      a woman in yello dress and red cape decorates a chicken coop with holly mistletoe and two large chickens plus two chicks
      Deck the Coop Pinkeep | Stacy Nash
      Stacy Nash Primitives
      Cocoa Quaker | Primrose Cottage
      Primrose Cottage Stitches
      Christmas Quaker | Primrose Cottage Stitches
      Primrose Cottage Stitches
      a round ornament featuringa. snowman wiht green scarf in a black flowerpot full of green vines and red flowers with snow falling overhead
      Snowman 2024 | Primrose Cottage
      Primrose Cottage Stitches
      Quaker Snowflakes | Hello From Liz Mathews
      Hello from Liz Mathews
      row of advent candles with hope peace chrsit joy love inside red and green border
      Advent Candles (PDF) | TopKnot Stitcher - PDF Download
      TopKnot Stitcher Shop
      Percy Penguin | Quaint Rose Needlearts
      Quaint Rose Needlearts
      : Cherry Cobbler, Tree Lot, Tusk, Rustic Black colour and cotton
      Cocoa Quilt | Primrose Cottage
      Primrose Cottage Stitches
      Pennsylvania Christmas Two | Shakespeare's Peddler
      Shakespeare's Peddler
      Second Day of Christmas Sampler and Tree | Hello From Liz Mathews
      Hello from Liz Mathews
      A set of three cross-stitched vintage-style Christmas ornaments displayed on a white wooden background with pine branches. The designs feature a Santa carrying a sack of gifts, a snowy house, and a red sleigh filled with presents. Each ornament is finished in a round, raised style inside painted wooden frames shaped like classic glass baubles.
      Vintage Ornaments - Set Two | Cherry Blossoms - Nashville 2025
      Cherry Blossoms
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